Out of the airport, I straightaway hopped onto the local bus, got off at the station near my in-laws and walked the last half mile to their home, dragging my two piece check-in bags on the uneven curb. I try my best not to get used to first world conveniences which makes it easier to get along with things back home. The initial couple days of cacophony is overwhelming but you quickly get used to tuning the noise out. I landed in Bangalore and couldn’t wait to get out of the crowded and congested metro fast enough. Despite no travel planned, I ended up taking a little trip to the lush countryside where I’ve got a bunch of extended family leading the quiet and slow paced rural life. I decided on taking it easy and not plan anything big like I during 2016. Just Another Peaceful Day In the Country Like last year, I took some extended time off work during December 2017 to visit my home country, India. And you have just completed the installation. After Deploy is complete in List of Application on the same page, you can see /source click on it.There is a option in that page called Select War File to upload, there click Browse button and give the path for your source.war file.give username “admin” and password “admin”.click on manager webapp or directly open the link [.You need to extract lib/source.war somewhere and modify WEB-INF/web.xml slightly. Just go to, download windows zip file and extract it somewhere.

Opengrok installation is quite a messy and convoluted process. In this post I’ll walk you through the Opengrok installation process on Windows and getting a sample software project up and running on Opengrok. With Opengrok, you can search for symbols, UI messages, function definitions, variable definitions and files within a software project. How to install OpenGrok Internals Story of OpenGrok Communication: Discussions (mailing lists, etc.) Bugs or feature. Install, Configure, and Deploy.war Application. Install OpenGrok on Windows Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google+.

My setup is not secure nor tested whatsoever so don’t rely on it, but it can be used if you need to quickly setup some OpenGrok server on your Windows workstation. It’s not that straightforward as one might expect but not that hard either. MaI’ve needed to setup a local OpenGrok server on Windows to do some testing.